Thursday, February 20, 2014

Valentine's Day, Revisited!

Greetings from Room 10,
       VALENTINE'S DAY PARTY:  Due to last week's snowstorm, our Valentine's Day party has been rescheduled. Our Ice Cream Social will be on Friday, February 28th at 1:30pm. Unless I hear otherwise, I am assuming that everyone who signed up to bring something for our party will send it in next on the 28th.  Students should also bring their Valentine's in on Friday as they will share them with their peers during the party!!
       SAT VOCABULARY: On Monday, February 24th the children will take their Unit 3 SAT Vocabulary test, and I will give them 10 new words on that same day.  They should have studied all 30 of their words over the break, as they know that I am including a few words from previous units.  This SAT Vocabulary Unit will culminate with a 50-word test.  We have talked about that numerous times in class, so this should come as no surprise.
       BETOR'S BULLS-EYE: Most of the Betor's Bulls-Eye projects arrived well-before the February 14th deadline.  However, if your child was waiting to bring his/her project in on the 14th, s/he should bring in the project on Monday, February 24th.  We will discuss the deadline for our fourth project and come to a class consensus for the due date.
       WAX MUSEUM: Our Wax Museum is quickly approaching!  As a reminder, it will be held twice on Thursday, March 6th.  We will perform for our Betor-Bacher Buddies in the afternoon in addition to the evening event.  That is when I take their individual photos for our end of year iMovie, so please make sure that they have their costumes in school on/before March 6th.  I have given the children all the information they need for developing their one-minute speech which must be memorized.  We will make their posters in class.  They should already have discussed their costuming and props with you.  We are really looking forward to this community event.  Don't forget your nickels!!!
       Enjoy the rest of your mid-winter break!             Lester Betor & Class

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Country Line Dancing in Delmar

Greetings from Room 10,
      So I hope your child told you about their country line dancing experience on Monday.  Mrs. Young brought in the Home Spun Community Dance program to introduce your children to the history of music as well as an exhilarating lesson in country line dance.  Admittedly, they were tentative as we walked down to the gymnasium, but their apprehension lasted only a few moments, and before long, they were "LOVIN' the LINE DANCIN'!"  I am attaching some photos I took during our session.  Enjoy!

        Don't forget that we are celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday at 1:30pm.  You are welcome to join us.  As a reminder, your child must include all of their classmates if they are choosing to bring in Valentines.  Also, they need to bring in a Valentine mailbox to collect their Valentines.
       Tuesday, February 11th is a half-day with an 11:45am dismissal.  I will be meeting with those of you who signed up for a conference.  Conferences are scheduled for 20 minutes.  I will be happy to review both the report card and the results of the Aims-Web testing that was sent home last week.
       Happy Valentine's Day!                                                                            Lester B. & class