Friday, December 11, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Seasons Greetings!

       This has been a spectacular week. We got so much accomplished while having fun. I think the highlight of the week was participating in the “Hour of Code” yesterday afternoon. Through the website,, the children learned how to program the video game Minecraft. They had to write code to maneuver through 14 levels. THEY LOVED IT!!
       This afternoon the children will enjoy a rollicking game of dreidel where they will play for Starburst Fruit Chews. I am attaching pictures from the games, as promised!

       They just finished their first writing unit and are submitting their final copies to me a few at a time. Our next writing assignment will be a DARE essay. We have explored seven amazing ways to write an introduction, and I will give the kids an opportunity to get started with the essay in school. They will be expected to finish the DARE essay at home. They may hand-write or type their final copy. I have not given them a due date yet, as we are unsure of the DARE Graduation date. I suspect it will be sometime in January.
       December 23rd at 9:50am will be our Kidnastics show, and our holiday party will be immediately following.  Plan to join us!  Have a wonderful warm weekend!
                                                                                                              Lester B. & Class

Sunday, November 8, 2015

PJ Day in 5B!

Greetings from 5B!
      On Friday we celebrated a great beginning to the school year by wearing PJs, bringing in favorite stuffed animals and blankets and having a popcorn party!  The children had an amazing day.  I am sharing some of the pictures both Mrs. Price and I took during their "Read-In."  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Greeting Parents of Room 10,
      The children's last Halloween Party was wonderful.  Thank you to everyone who sent in goodies.  They thoroughly enjoyed the treats while playing Bingo. We also sang three of our favorite songs.  We promise to sing for you when you come to visit us on November 16th for American Education Week. Details to follow.
      The following is a photo of the masks that the children made for the homeless children at the Marillac Shelter.  I think they came out great!!

      Now that the Crayfish Unit is over, I am looking for families to adopt the crayfish.  If you are willing to take one, please either send me a note or email to let me know that you want one.  Because live animals are not allowed on the bus, if you "win" a crayfish, you will need to pick him/her up by Friday at 3:45pm.  I will award the crayfish on a first-come, first-serve basis.
      Don't forget that dismissal on Tuesday will be at 12:10pm in honor of Election Day. 
                                                                                                  Have a great week!
                                                                                                  Lester B. & class

Friday, October 23, 2015


Greetings Parents of Room 10,
     Today the children had their first peak at "Growing to Maturity" as they were asked to determine the gender of their crayfish. They love taking the crayfish out of their habitat and working with them.  I am attaching photos of the children posing with their respective crayfish buddy.

     Mr. Brown from our Tech Office came for a visit this morning to help the children "jump start" their personal Chrome Books.  A Chrome Book has been assigned to each student, and they will have the opportunity to use  them for the entire school year.  Here are some photos of the children with their Chrome Books.

      Be sure to read your child's Weekly Reflection.  I have provided some information regarding Betor's Bulls-Eye, the crayfish unit test, the Fifth Grade Musical, our Halloween Party and the Marillac Shelter service project.
      Have a wonderful weekend!                    Lester B. and class