We had an exciting week in Room 10. While a part of our focus was preparation for the upcoming NYS ELA and math tests, we didn't let that get us down. Instead, we enjoyed the final preparations for the annual 5th grade Wax Museum. During school, the children's dress rehearsal included visits from both 4th grades and 2nd grades. They had the opportunity to hone their skills for the evening exhibit. From my vantage point (at the bake sale table), I heard numerous comments about the children's performances; all of which were extremely positive. The children's hard work while researching their wax museum subject certainly paid off! I am including some photos of both the day and evening museums.
Fifthgradeitis! While it's not a real word, it happens to my students every year. And this year is no exception. I bring this to your attention because I spent some time talking to the children this week about maintaining the "5B Community" that we established in September. As a part of our community, it is important to think about others as well as yourself. And it became apparent that the children needed reminding of that! There was a short period of time when I had a room full of Divas, complete with attitude and demands. I think our talk helped them see the importance of being a community and thinking of others.
On April Fools Day, Ms. Qualtere and I traded places for the morning. During this time, Ms. Qualtere helped the children come up with a prank to pull on me. I hope your child told you about it! They had me confused and fooled for rest of the morning. As I told the children, it was the BEST PRANK EVER!!! More importantly (and this might sound silly) but spending the morning with Ms. Qualtere's class made me realize how thankful I truly am to have your children in my class! It helped me put things into perspective and realize that even when they are being "divas," they are MY DIVAS! And I love them!!!
The next two weeks will be challenging because of the number of hours we will spending with NYS testing. The children will need plenty of sleep and a hearty breakfast. I plan to have the kids eat their snack at 9:15am because NYS does not allow for breaks during testing. Each day, testing will begin at 9:30am and last a minimum of 90 minutes. Children will be given an opportunity to work on their tests in the classroom for an additional 60 minutes. Children requiring additional time (beyond the 2 1/2 hours) will have the opportunity to do so in a different location. We hope to have math at noon and will have recess and lunch at 12:55pm.
Kind regards,
Lester Betor and class