Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Last Post of 2017

Greetings Families of Room 10,

      This will be our last post for 2017. I wanted to share some photos I took of the children playing dreidel with their buddy class.  For Hanukkah gelt we used Starbust fruit chews because they do not contain, nor are they manufactured in a plant that uses peanuts/tree nuts.  It seemed like the children thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and all of them were very kind to their 2nd grade buddies.
      I will not be sending home a Weekly Reflection on Friday.  Please have your child share all of the exciting things we did this week, including making gigantic snowflakes to decorate our room.  Following multiple step directions proved to be difficult for some, but for the most part, the snowflakes look beautiful.
      Rehearsals resume on Tuesday, January 2nd.  It is the first day back from Winter break.  Please make sure your child is dropped off on time for the morning rehearsal and picked up on time from the afternoon or evening rehearsal. Things are going along well, and I am really enjoying my time with your children.  They are an amazing group of thespians, with big hearts and encouragement for each other.
      I wanted to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and/or a Happy New Year.  I am looking forward to working with your children during their last 6 months of elementary school!                   Take care, Lester Betor & Class

Thursday, December 14, 2017

December Phenology Photos

Good Afternoon Families of Room 10,
      Despite the frigid weather, we went outside to take our December Phenology Photo. Suffice to say that, because not all the children were wearing boots, we broke tradition and took the picture at the edge of the woods.  I still love the way the photos came out! You can tell from the photos how cold it actually is right now!  But the sun made it a little bit better.
      Don't forget that next Friday at 9:45am we will be celebrating. You may send in the goodies the morning of the party either with the children, or feel free to stop by for the party. I can always use a bingo caller!
      Enjoy the photos!                                                                                       Lester B. and Class

Monday, December 4, 2017

November Phenology Photos

Dear Parents of Room 10,

      I am attaching two photos that I took in November after our first little snowfall.  It was really cold out and we walked in a dusting of snow to get to our photo spot.  These photos look remarkably different from the ones I took in October.  Enjoy!  Lester Betor and Class

Friday, October 27, 2017


Greetings from Room 10!

       This week the children had the opportunity to observe and handle the crayfish. They were VERY excited, as you might imagine.  I am attaching a few photos to commemorate the occasion.
I am also including our October class photo!  Enjoy!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Hands-On Science

Dear Parents of Room 10,
       With the support of SUNY Albany's Dr. Zhang, Anna and Lia Harris, we have been going outside to investigate our Nature Trail. The children have drawn pictures of their findings, and we have conducted a variety of activities to "Kick Off" this year's science program. I am including some photos from our last adventure. This week, we are using microscopes to get a close-up look at fall foliage.                                                                                                         Enjoy!  Lester B. and Class

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Visit From Mrs. Bonacquist

Good afternoon!
       It is surprising cool in the classroom this afternoon as a ready for the week's adventure.  And it is  truly an adventure, every single day.  The kids are amazing, and have consistently risen to every occasion presented to them.  I am sharing a few photos I took during Mrs. Bonacquist's visit with us on Friday. The children loved the story and enjoyed an enthusiastic conversation with their Principal.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Welcome to Mr. Betor's Class

Dear Parents of Room 10,
         FABULOUS!  That would describe the first two days in Room 10.  Our new class consists of 21 amazing students.  You might think that I say that every year, but that would not be accurate.  This group of children, who I refer to as "THE BEST CLASS IN THE SCHOOL," is truly a gift!  I am THRILLED to share their last year at Slingerlands with them, and of course, you!
        The first couple of days we spent getting to know each other and preparing for Open House.  We also enjoyed singing a few tunes together by the piano and learned our class "raps." Be sure to ask your child if they will share the raps with you.
        Monday will be very busy and exciting as we begin math and science.  As you know, we change classes for math each afternoon after lunch. Your child will have science with me on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Social Studies with Mrs. Ward on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Having the opportunity to change classes in elementary school will help with the demands of Middle School next Fall.
        Open House is scheduled for Thursday evening, September 14th.  You will begin in our homeroom (Room 10), followed by math, and finishing in the cafeteria for an fifth grade presentation.
                           7:30 - 8:00pm     Homeroom, Room 10
                           8:00 - 8:20pm     Visit Math Classes
                           8:30 - 9:00pm     Cafeteria:  Science and Nature's Classroom Presentations

        I look forward to working with your child this year.  Thank you for sharing them with me!  Below are some photos I took during the first two days of school. Enjoy!
                                                                                    Take care!
                                                                                    Lester B. and class