Saturday, November 30, 2019

Science Symposium 2019

Good Morning 5B!

      Happy Thanksgiving! I sincerely hope that each of you enjoyed a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. Ours was quieter than usual, but we enjoyed watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, cooking together and enjoying a delicious meal.
          I am attaching photos from the 2019 Ecosystem Science Symposium. Thanks to so many of you who were able to attend the symposium. I apologize to those who were unable to make it due to their work schedules. It is always difficult to find a time that will accommodate everyone's schedules. I know the children worked really hard to research their topics and develop a complete understanding of both the biotic and abiotic members of their ecosystem community, as well as photosynthesis and respiration.
       Currently, we are working on our first social studies unit of the school year. Our focus is geography, and right now the children are enjoying the "Cardinal Direction" game I created several years ago. Be sure to ask your child about the game. At this stage, children should know both the cardinal and ordinal directions, and I have been very impressed by how much they remember from previous years.
         Our holiday party is scheduled for Friday, December 20th at 9:30am. We will be celebrating with breakfast. I hope you can join us.  All are welcome to attend.
      Your child should have brought home an information sheet about the play and our first two rehearsals. It also included their role, Act and weekly practice time. All rehearsals are mandatory, and all cast/crew members should attend all scheduled rehearsals. Crew members will get their schedule on Tuesday, December 10th at our "read-through." 
          Enjoy the remainder of your weekend, as we anticipate our first winter snowstorm on Sunday and Monday.
                                                                                                       Enjoy the photos!
                                                                                                       Lester Betor & Class