Thursday, January 24, 2013

Greetings from Room 10!

Dear Parents of Room 10,
            This was a short, cold and productive week!  The children worked hard as we finalized the ABC Book and began two new writing assignments; their Wax Museum speech (which will be done in school) and their DARE essay (which will be finished at home).
            Whales.  Whales.  Whales.  This week we began the Whale Unit with the first two lessons.  After making their Whale Unit divider, we focused on the differences and similarities between whales and fish.  On Thursday I shared a power point presentation introducing seven whale behaviors.  Ask your child to name and explain each of the seven behaviors.  As I explained to the children, these are just seven of many behaviors whales exhibit.  Next week we will begin the whale-to-scale project where we will do scale drawings (1 inch: 1 foot) of a variety of both toothed and baleen whales.  This is a fun and very mess project…and I LOVE IT!
            As I mentioned earlier, the children have selected their Wax Museum subject, we have conducted research and have written facts in their writer’s notebook.  I gave the children directions for both the one-minute speech and the poster.  Except for putting together a costume for the Wax Museum, THIS PROJECT WILL BE DONE ENTIRELY IN SCHOOL.  The Wax Museum is scheduled for the evening of February 28th, and the proceeds will benefit the Marillac Shelter.     
            The children had their final DARE class with Officer Dave Harrington on Wednesday.  Officer Harrington explained that he is in the process of planning their DARE graduation for sometime in late February, although an actual date has not yet been established.  As soon as I am given the date, I will let you know.  I suspect it will be a morning event, as the last few graduations have been at 9:45am.
            I am happy to announce that I have an extra pair of hands in the classroom every afternoon.  Matt Viglucci, my former 5th grade student and a current Lab School Senior is doing his internship in Room 10.  He wants to focus on writing, so he spent the week finalizing the students’ memoirs.  He also did an outstanding job reading aloud to the children.  Welcome Matt!
            Is your child reading a minimum of 30 minutes nightly?  I did a “State of the Class” Thursday to get an idea of where each of them is with Betor’s Bulls-Eye.  At this point your child should have read a minimum of 15 books.  Please check in with your child to see if he/she is on the right track.                                                 Stay warm!  Lester Betor & Class

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week of January 7th - Our first full-week back!

Greetings from Room 10,
            Happy New Year to everyone!  We are off to a terrific start in 2013.  It’s so hard for me to believe that we have already completed over four months of school.  It actually makes me quite sad to realize how quickly this year is going by.  I know I have mentioned this in the past, but this is a truly special group of children with whom I thoroughly enjoy working.  I view each and every day as a gift.
            This week has been very productive as the respiratory unit begins to wind down and the unit test is on the horizon.  They will be tackling the test on Wednesday afternoon.  I have given them a study guide, walked through the test format and assured them that they have all the tools they need to be successful.  I have encouraged them to begin studying, so you should see them review their respiratory notes over the weekend and early into next week.  On Thursday we will begin the long-awaited whale unit.
            In writing the children have been working tirelessly on their ABC books.  Most of them are about half-way through the alphabet.  I have seen some amazing illustrations and have enjoyed reading their informational texts.  We will continue to work on this project at least through next week.  If you see it coming home, it’s because your child is behind.  Otherwise, I fully anticipate that they will be finished by Friday.
            In reading our focus has been author’s purpose.  My small group instruction focused on the three reasons an author writes.  Ask your child to name the three “purposes,” and to give you examples of each.  Today we began a whole-class “close reading” of two related articles; one from TFK and the other from the Times Union.  And guess what the topic was!  Yes, it was cursive writing!!  It was fun to use an article that the children were a part of.
We conducted a bit of research on Wednesday in anticipation of the wax museum project that will be held the end of February.  The children are selecting some interesting characters from the Western Hemisphere.  Each child will become a person in history (either dead or alive), and will be asked to write (and memorize) a one-minute speech as if they were that person.  In addition, they will create a poster to showcase the contributions their character has made.  All of this work is done in school.  The only thing you will need to be involved in is creating a costume.  This is really an amazing experience; details to follow.
                                                                                                                                    Kind regards, Lester Betor

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year From Room 10!!

Happy 2013!
We are looking forward to a productive 3 days this week, culminating with the Applebee's Breakfast on Saturday morning.  I hope you are all able to attend, as this is a really fun event.  The children LOVE to work at this fundraiser, not to mention the pancakes are pretty darn good.  Don't forget that the 5th grade teachers will be selling 50-50 chances as well.  Last year's winner walked away with over $200! 

I am including photos from both our dreidel party and our holiday party!  ENJOY!