Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Nature's Classroom Day 2

Greetings from Camp Chimney Corners!

      Wow! What incredibly behaved group of students!!  Even the NC Teachers are thrilled and impressed by how kind, hardworking and respectful each of our students are. Last night, after our evening activity, QUEST, where the students worked on challenging and team building activities, we had a sing-a-long and roasted marshmallows for s'mores. At least half of the children volunteered to take showers last night, and the other half took showers this morning! We have a clean bunch!
      After breakfast of scrambled eggs, hash browns and muffins, the children set-out on a two hour field group hike. During that time, we also took a hike with lots of silly photos.  I will include some of the most recent photos I took.  You will note that my new and improved class photo includes Thomas!  YAY!  So glad he made it!       Take care, Lester B and class

Monday, May 14, 2018

We've Arrived!

Dear Parents of Room 10,

      Just a very quick update to the Blog to let you know we have arrived safely, moved into our cabins, had lunch and experienced our first Field Group!  The kids are LOVING every second of it! The weather is gorgeous and the black flies are not as bad as they could be. 
      I am attaching a class photo (sans Thomas, who will be joining us before dinner).  We plan to take many more photos to include the whole 5B class.  I will keep you updated along our journey.  Be well! Lester B. and class

Friday, May 4, 2018

Happy May the Forth Be With You Day & Happy Cinco DeMayo

Dear Parents of Room 10,
      Wow!  I can’t believe how quickly this year is flying by both personally and professionally. Your children have been an amazing class and 5B community, and I look forward to spending the remainder of the year with them. Today we marked another milestone. Not only is it May 4th (May the Fourth be With You Day), but we also celebrated Cinco de Mayo. It was such a great day!  I am sharing some photos I took this morning!  In case you are wondering, the two Chewbaccas are Connor and Owen!

      Things are shaping up for our Nature’s Classroom visit, May 14-16. This is the first time we have ever had school the day after our return, so I suspect we will all be a tad tired on Thursday. Please expect us to arrive back to school at around 2pm Wednesday afteroon. You should either be here to pick up your child at that time, or you need to arrange for someone else to take them home.  Mrs. Bonacquist will keep you updated throughout the day on the 16th about our exact arrival time. I have been asked by some folks about how to contact their child while we are away. Unless it is an emergency, you will not hear from me or your child by telephone during our trip. However, I will update the class blog with information and pictures.
….. Growing to Maturity (henceforth known as GTM) is scheduled for the end of May. I will be teaching the boys with Mr. Burns and Mrs. Ward, Mrs. O’Shea and Ms. Qualtere will work with the girls.  Details and an opportunity to view the materials we use will be coming soon!                                     Enjoy the weekend!  Lester B. and class