Friday, April 24, 2015

A Variety of Reminders

Greetings from Room 10,

WAX MUSEUM:  Thursday afternoon we are having a dress rehearsal for our Wax Museum.  Three classes will be vising us between 2 and 3pm.  Therefore, the children MUST bring in their costume, props and can on Thursday so that they can perform for the dress rehearsal.  I have reminded the children several times this week, and it should have been written in their assignment binder.

NATURE'S CLASSROOM:  Please send in mail for the NC trip any day next week (unless you plan to mail it to Becket).  I will collect it and pack it away for delivery during our trip.  Please do not plan to give me mail the day we are leaving.  It is far to crazy and busy, and I will not be in a position to accept it.  Thank you for understanding.

USED BOOK SALE:  We will be attending the Used Book Sale on Tuesday, April 28th at 9:30am.  If you would like your child to be able to purchase a book, please be sure to send in money. We have a 20 minute slot, and all purchases must be made during that time.

Have a nice (and hopefully sunny) weekend!  Lester B.