Sunday, August 23, 2015

Welcome New 5th Graders!

Greetings to my new 5th graders and their families,
       I am excited to meet each of you, and I look forward to seeing you on supply drop off day (September 2nd).  I am posting some important September dates for you to consider as you begin the new school year!  Enjoy the remainder of the summer!  Lester Betor

  • September 2nd, 3:30pm -- Supply Drop Off.  Stop by to drop off your supplies and to see your classroom!
  • September 8th -- First day of 5th Grade!  Welcome aboard!!
  • September 10th, 7:30pm -- Open House. Fifth grade parents will begin in their child's homeroom at 7:30pm. You will then join your child's math teacher for a brief presentation at about 8:15, followed by a whole group Nature's Classroom presentation in the cafeteria.
  • September 14th -- NO SCHOOL
  • September 18th -- Slingerlands Family Picnic (5:30 - 7:30) catered by My Place.  A YELLOW flyer will be coming home the first day of school.  RAIN OR SHINE.
  • September 23rd -- NO SCHOOL