Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy "Cat in the Hat" Day!

Dear Parents of Room 10,
            Happy “Cat in the Hat” Day!  Today, in honor of the Dr. Seuss, the children performed a “Flash Mob” for the Kindergarteners, First Graders and a couple of other classes.  They did an amazing job, and I know they had a ball doing it.  Mrs. Bonacquist, Mrs. Krupner and the teachers thoroughly enjoyed their performance. 
            At this point, your child should be working on his/her tri-fold poster or 3-D model at home.  They are working on their reports in school.  They have also worked on creating a bar graph in the computer room.  The vast majority of children were able to complete this project in school.  However, a few students indicated that they were not able to do it.  In this case, they will be required to complete the bar graph, either on paper or on your home computer.  The final report and whale project will be due March 15th.  I am hoping to have our Whale Museum on Friday, March 22nd at 9:45am.  I will provide details in our next Weekly Reflection.
            The Wax Museum last night was truly incredible.  The children did such a great job researching, writing, memorizing and speaking.  The costumes were adorable and the enthusiasm was unmatched.  Thank you to everyone who brought treats to the bake sale and who purchased treats.  All of the proceeds from both the Wax Museum and the bake sale will go to the Marillac Shelter in honor of Dorothy McDonald. 
            In reading, the children have selected ocean themed books.  I will be meeting with the book groups to discuss the novel as we move through the chapters.  Each week, the children will be writing two responses to what they have read.  I have given them a schedule of assignments that we will review prior to each assignment.  I love these books because, in addition to an ocean setting, they all deal with the main characters’ change and growth.
            If you have a chance, come to the “Crazy” basketball game tonight at 6pm at the high school.  Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Goff and Mrs. MacMillan will all be playing.
Have a wonderful weekend!                                                                          Lester B. and class

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